My local video store is going under

The Blockbuster about 1/2″ a mile from my house is going out of business.  This sucks, because I do the mailed movies and upon return, you get a free rental.  And before you lecture me, I have Netflix also.  I did notice some things about the store upon entering tonight to check out the clearance sales.

– It probably didn’t help that they had 47 copies of “Volver” and 92 “Dinner with the Schmucks”.  Probably should have saved those dollars.

– Nothing is more exciting than actually finding something cool on the clearance rack.  Yes, most of the movies sucked…until I got the last copy of “Cyborg” with Van Damme!  Weekend plans over!

– TV’s best the last decade beats movie’s bests.  I spent 15 minutes in TV series section and could have bought Mad Men, Deadwood, Rome, John Adams, Breaking Bad, 24, Spartacus, Family Guy, Sopranos and about 20 other series if I didn’t have a purpose in life and could watch 2 years’ worth of TV shows.

– They were selling the inserts that went behind the movie.  I hated those – taunting billboards you only saw when someone rented all the copies of the movie you wanted to see.  5 for a buck?  If someone has a use for DVD sized inserts of Katherine Heigl romcoms, they also have a use for a length of rope and an exposed cross beam.

– Did I mention I got Cyborg?  Awesome!