My 10 year anniversary…of living in Columbus

I just realized last weekend was the decade anniversary of living in Columbus, Ohio.  I celebrated by doing nothing.  The story of my first couple weeks here is funny, so that’s what you get today.  I had just got a job after searching for a couple months, so needless to say, I was poor.  I was talked into going to a St. Patty’s party with thousands of people present, which was a horrible idea because I had a whopping $27 to last me until Friday (it was Sunday).  I drank until I ran out of all but $5, then went to take a leak.

The lines were long, but when I got back to my spot, I didn’t see my ride.  After six calls, he answered (I could barely hear, also).  “You took too long, I left.”  I don’t have a ride.  “Get a taxi.  I’m almost home.”  You asshole, I have $5 and my credit card is maxed out!  “Hit on some chicks and get a ride.”  Click.

This was not good, as my game, especially back then, was to drink a lot and sidle up to some semi-attractive lush of girl and hoped she had no morals.  I knew I would have to use all my powers this day, or risk missing work on the sixth day of employment.  I was macking on this dame (I told you I have no game) and we started making out aggressively.  She talked her portly pal into giving me a ride late night.  Of course, the big girl wanted to stop for a steak, probably to compensate for the no men with her that night.  This was even worse, since I had no money and hadn’t eaten since before noon.  I remember just hoping she would throw a roll at me, but the rolls were hoarded like Scrooge’s gold that evening.  Coming off a buzz and staving, I finally got home around midnight and told my roommate I would piss on his grave.

I called the young lady once and she did not return my call, which was fine with me, since I got a 15 mile taxi ride out of the brief and torrid affair, which was better than most of my relationships.  I was at a bar about three months later and this chick approached me.  As she said hi, I realized it was St. Patty’s girl.  “Can we talk?”  Sure, I said.  “I think we should just be friends.”  Me – We’re not even acquaintences.  Are you nuts?  Her – “I’m glad you agree.  Cool!”  Then she walked out of my life forever…and probably into a pysch ward.  I always miss, you, drunken makeout taxi girl, whatever your name is.  You, and your surly fat friend too.  Can I at least have a saltine packet next time we dine?