Movie review: Lincoln

I would like to say first, and without reservation, Daniel Day-Lewis is the greatest actor ever.  If you disagree with me, you are a racist against Irish people.  And you hate puppies.  I even watchedThere Will Be Blood due to him.  It was so long, I went through menopause during it, but it was worth it.  He rules.

The movie focused on the efforts to pass the 13th amendment abolishing slavery.  It was interesting to see the out and out racism in Congress.  They were even worried abolishing slavery would lead to radical things like women voting.  Oh, you silly 1865 Congress.  At least you didn’t outlaw alcohol – I’m looking at you, 1919, you no good sons of bitches!!!

The movie was absolutely fantastic, but I was a little worried, since I watched it Birmingham, Alabama.  I thought they would throw snuff and Natty Light cans at the screen, but no such hijinx.  I would’ve enjoyed the movie more, but a group came in and asked if I could move down.  Damnit, now I have someone in my personal space!  I hate people!  Then he asked me to bump down again…I muttered an expletive and now I was next to an old couple also.  TWO PEOPLE NEXT TO ME!  RAGE!  The girl that I had to move for said “Thanks, Captain America!”  Hmmm…you shall live…not sure about your pals, though.

The Lincoln likeability was so strong, it was crazy.  Less likeable was the old guy next to me explaining everything.  “That’s General Grant!”  Yes, I got it from the fact he had a general’s suit, a beard, was smoking a cigar AND THE FACT THE SCREEN SAID U.S. GRANT.  At one point, his wife fell asleep and started snoring.  That’s not distracting at all.  Oh well.  In recap, it is a great movie and the acting is top notch.  Plus it’s Lincoln played by Daniel Day-Lewis.  If you don’t see this movie, you probably hate freedom and America and liberty.