Movie review: Flight

Flight is a movie about a raging alcoholic pilot played by Denzel Washington.  He pulls off (in case you haven’t figured it out, stop reading if don’t want to know more.  The movie’s been out a month at this point, it’s fair game) an incredible crash landing, but may or may not have been loaded at the time.  The plot hinges on this as his liver takes a beating in the process of discovery or something.

It was decent, with some good acting.  That’s not why I blogged about it.  I had two very distinct problems with the film.  One, I know Denzel is not a smoker in real life because despite his acting, he smokes like a 12 year old trying to look cool behind the gym.  Not quite Meg Ryan in Proof of Life bad, but very noticeable.  Hint: If someone breathes out very loudly and smacks their lips a lot, they’re not really smoking.

The other problem is he’s a big drunk and had a different type of beer or liquor in every scene.  That’s unusual.  I wouldn’t know anyways, because I drink beer, and everyone knows beer drinkers aren’t alcoholics.  Alcoholics drink out of a brown paper bag and pass out a lot in alleys, says my 1958 sense of alcoholism.  Thank God I only drink beer.  Where’s my last beer?  Let me look behind the rum and egg nog, not there…perhaps next to the handle of Beam?…ah, here it is by the open bottle of wine on the bottom shelf of my fridge.