Happy Mother’s Day!

Yesterday was our annual tribute to mothers.  This being a comedy blog, I thought I would share some funny from Mom.  I hate when people ask who I got my sense of humor from, but Mom definitely has her shining moments.  I had the greatest Christmas ever in fourth grade, when I got a small color TV and a Nintendo w/ the Power Pad.  I had a pal over named Nick.  Apparently, at some point, he went to go number one and got more on the toilet than in.  My Mom assessed the situation afterwards and asked me, “Was Nick on the Power Pad while he was peeing?  Nick, Nick, hold that dick!”  That is some good stuff in the fourth grade (and now).

Another time my dog Meg (the Keg) ate a stuffed animal and left a lovely deuce in the back yard.  My Mom was shoveling crap and started laughing uncontrollably.  In the turd was the glowing eye of the stuffed animal.  “I can’t pick it up, it’s staring at me!”  Her convulsive laughter was very infectious.

Long story short, if you ever like any poop or pee jokes I do, you can thank my mother…or stare at her angrily.  Now excuse, I have to let my dog out and I always pick up his poop.  If someone is looking.