Cincinnati feature week, part two

John Witherspoon was onstage and I was watching from the back of the room, first show Friday.  He was winding down his act and yelled, “Chris!  Chris!  How am I doing?”  I froze.  I think he’s talking to me…  “Chris!  How am I doing on time?”  I jumped up and began thinking – I’m the feature, I’m not supposed to light the headliner…  “Chris?”  I ran up to the edge and yelled, “You’re good!  I’m here!”  From behind me, the sound guy, whose name was also Chris said, “He’s talking to me.”

I felt like quite the asshole.  Shame draped over me like a wet blanket.  I put my head down and went back to my spot.  I vowed at that moment never to offer help to another person ever.  If someone bursts into flames onstage and calls my entire Christian name, I will stare at them and flick cigarettes.  It couldn’t have been more of a boob unless I took off my clothes and Superfly Snuka-ed the front row.

One Reply to “Cincinnati feature week, part two”

  1. the mature side of me says good for you, discretion is the better part of valor; the flip side wants to ask sound-man “Chris,”what are you deaf? Or just plain dumb?, you heard the man ask the question 3 times, maybe you should buy a hearing aid and a digital watch, they are easier to read than the analog watches ith the big hand and the little hand.

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