Browns/Steelers game

My aunt got tickets for my Dad and I to the final game of the NFL regular season, the “storied” rivalry of Cleveland and Pittsburgh.  I have to give Browns fans credit.  You are the greatest fans of any team in the history of sports.  Your team uprooted and left in the 90’s and has made the playoffs once since.  Yet going to the game, you would think it was 1964 all over again.  They get screwed repeatedly yet stick with their team.  Browns fans are like rape victims that apologize to their attackers for not being more into it.  That said, I was raised a Steelers fan, so piss on your team.

I know my place though, I was very subdued knowing I was in enemy territory, plus the ridiculous Cleveland weather didn’t exactly encourage boisterous enthusiasm.  By the fourth quarter, I was ready to pee my pants for warmth.  Turns out, the outcome didn’t matter once the evil Ravens beat the Bengals, but it was still a good time.  More on the fans tomorrow…