My new least favorite type of people

I went to Comfest in Columbus to see my buddy’s band (I missed the band, thanks to the 30 minute wait to get a beer and 1.4 mile walk).  Comfest is a little Columbus version of Woodstock, chock full of hippies, potheads, the political left, and most importantly, weirdos.  I played this game with my friends – “What does that freak do for a living?”  I saw a guy, shirtless, wearing leather pants and S&M boots.  I saw a girl with a chest tattoo that said “SPECIAL”.  I saw a shirtless woman with a silver mohawk and men’s jorts driving a golf cart.  And in case you’re wondering, saggy.  Fried eggs on nails saggy.

I hate people that are “different”, but hang out en masse with other “different” people.  It’s like when goth kids popped up like locusts in the late 90’s and talked about cutting themselves, but had 9 best friends that wore the same thing.  Yuck.  Plus, if you want to be different, write a book, paint something, dance, start a discussion group, etc.  Dressing like a cat at 27 years old does mean you’re different.  And a mega-douche.  (Yes, I saw that as well).  How about you jump off a building and see if you land on your feet?