Must be nice

I read a story about Lindsey Vonn, the US Olympic skiier.  She mentioned that after retiring, she would get into acting.  It must be her strong acting background…oh wait, she skis and is good looking.  I don’t fault her, go for it.  Make piles of cash.  This is example four billion about the Hollywood bullshit machine.  Can you act?  No.  Oh well, you’re hot and we can’t write good scripts – you’re hired!

Of course, there is no genre worse for exploiting fame and bad acting combos than action movies.  Action movies, in my lifetime, have given us Brian Bosworth, Vanilla Ice, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Jesse Ventura, and Shaq.  Even worse, it gives us TERRIBLE movies from people that were in somewhat good stuff before.  Consider Stallone (whose fame brought us his brother Frank Stallone, but that’s for another time).  Rocky is an amazing movie.  I love First Blood.  However, has anyone seen Judge Dredd?  I had high hopes for that one.  I even have the Anthrax song “I am the Law” on my iPod.  That movie sucked like I produced it.  Over the Top makes me hover over the toilet.  And then there’s Cobra.  I’m actually kidding on that one.  That was a test.  Don’t make fun of Francis Cobretti on my watch.  You know what…blog over, I need to find Cobra on Netflix.  If it’s not on there, I am writing a letter to my congressman.