Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is truly one of the greatest and most American holidays ever.  Think about it – it’s the only holiday where you eat until you nearly vomit and toss food in the trash, then follow it up by having the entire Friday off work to celebrate the excesses of capitalism by shopping all day.  USA!  USA!  USA!

My only problem is when I bitched one year about no stuffing.  My grandma, God bless her, took up my crusade and now I am cursed with 12 lbs. of dressing because the picky eaters in my family eat noodles and mashed potatoes only.  That stuff is good…once a year, not as a filler meal for a week.

Most of all it is a time to be thankful.  I am thankful for my awesomeness.  It is quite overwhelming.  I am thankful I am not a Cleveland Browns fan.  I feel outright sorry for them.  I am thankful that Skyrim came out just before my shortened work week, Busch Light is delicious, and Captain America: the First Avenger was good.  Oh and serious stuff too, but that’s not as funny…