Halloween Hijinx

I had a Halloween party this year.  I generally don’t like having parties, mostly because people bring other people I don’t know or like who steal my DVD’s, flip cigarette butts and beer caps around my place like they’re hiding Easter eggs, or in one case, jump off my balcony.  I bought some liquor for it, though.

This should hold me over for a day or two...

Party went well, although Kroger’s sliders look nothing like the bag, unless you consider grey meat the same as the delicious looking brown it was supposed to be.  Plus, as a bonus, I decided to avoid mixing Jager, gin, and bourbon this year, so I held my stomach contents in, which was nice.  Ah yes, I managed to keep the creep rolling by being Jesus Quintana, aka “the Jesus” this year.

Who's got a purple coke nail? This guy!