When you assume, you make an ass out of you

A gentleman approached me after the show last night and introduced himself, not by saying “Hello” or “Here’s my opinion on your act…”  No, he went the less traditional route and said “You should do more n-word jokes (he didn’t say n-word, btw).”  This of course assumed I did any n-word jokes, which although tempting  (sarcasm) I have yet to include any in my act.  You know what would improve my act?  Extreme racism.  Good thing my target demo is the Ku Klux Klan.  Oh wait, it’s not.  He then told me there were no n-words in his town.  I then “assumed” no black person would be dumb enough to move to a town where there was a drunken idiot like this carrying no prescription cialis a firearm.  Perhaps he should carry his interpersonal skills to other areas, like going to a battered women’s shelter and telling them they probably deserved it.