The very high brow life of Chris Coen, Esquire

I went to a ballet last night.  For a chick – before you get too far in your judgement.  The dancers were very talented (I think, I dance only after blackout phase one begins), but it was a little out of my normal life.  I took notes during this cultured moment of my life and I thought I would share.  (BTW this ballet was a weird German interpretive representation of Mozart and death and stuff, lots of oddly dressed people and symbolism or some kind of shit).

My notes:  People have shoes on their hands.  WTF.  Man on man dancing, both shirtless.  Either really German or really gay.  Now there is a stiff trenchcoat and some chick is dancing with it.  Moving on.  More man on man contact.  Ropes.  Simulated swimming.  Wall pounding.  I think they want out.  That makes two of us.  What is with the chair on the wall?  (At this point I think I dozed off for a couple minutes.)  Now there is a man with a red painted chest dancing with a suitcase.  Now it’s getting really weird – I think he’s dead.  Nope, still alive.  Now he’s dead.  His cialis 5mg price girlfriend may be dead too.  No, she’s alive, but he’s dead.  I need to start using drugs.  Couple wearing nude bodysuits are dancing.  More shoes.  Now umbrellas and the nude couple is in ropes.  Umbrella in flames.  Oh my God, it’s over.  BRAVO!  Wait…more bowing.  Five, now six.  Seven, will we get eight?  No, just seven.  Announcer:  “Anyone interested in staying to speak with the choreographer (German chick – my words) who wrote this (is retarded – again my words).”

Well, that’s over.  I now need to bathe in the simple culture of beer and football for two days to get my man cred back.  Alright, two months.  How did Germans start World War II?  We must have really kicked their asses.  Back to cheap beer and 1980’s heavy metal for my white trash ass.

One Reply to “The very high brow life of Chris Coen, Esquire”

  1. You so funny! I love the ballet and see them all. This one was a bit full of kind of heavy-handed symbolism.

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