TV Observations

Splash may be the worst show on TV.  It makes me want to bring back public executions.  Louie Anderson can’t walk without hurting himself, now I’m supposed to watch him dive in a yellow suit.

Anyone who thinks the devil from “The Bible” looks like Obama has a lot of free time.  It’s not like he was dancing around Jesus saying, “Turn this rock into bread and I’ll give you free government run healthcare, mwa haha!”

I had an ex make me watch Grey’s Anatomy.  I never thought I could hate a show that much.  Then I watched Glee.  I think I would have to watch a show called “America Sucks” starring the reanimated corpse of Osama bin Laden to hate a show more.  However, if commercials qualify, any Jared spot wins.  I would buy a blood diamond before I took a free anything from them for making such a dog shit commercial.

If you want a new show on TV, be a hillbilly or a mountain man.  That’s the ticket right now.  I am set on being white trash, but unfortunately, I can’t fix anything, have no use outdoors other than drinking beer around a fire, and have never wrestled a gator.  I have punched a dog, ran over a squirrel and been in the same room when my buddy hit a raccoon with a snow shovel…does that count, History Channel?