Sellling stuff online lowers my faith in humanity

Want quick money, but require interaction with complete dum dums? Just sell stuff online! Here’s some highlights from recent and past transactions.

Selling seven Wii games. Price shows $10 total. First guy – “Are they $10?” Me – “Yes, that’s the listed price.” Guy – “Each or total?” Me – “Total. Just like the post says. I’m not trying to sell 18 year old Wii games for $10 each, so I put in the post $10 total. Guy – “OK, thanks. I’ll pass!” Me – “Should I have said $10 each? Will you buy if so?” (No response).

Selling old collectibles for $60. Random person – “Would you take $50?” Me – “Yes, but I found more. If you want, I’ll toss the extra ones if you buy tomorrow.” Rando – “I need pictures of the stuff you’re adding in.” Me – “I’m not home, but can…does it matter? You agreed to $50 for all and I’m literally giving you free stuff at the same price.” Rando – “I need to see pics.” Me – “OK, sending soon!” (Didn’t send pics for 18 hours on principle).

WINNER. ALL TIME WORST. Selling used TV for $50. I posted my phone number as messaging wasn’t available on this site. Girl – “Does it work?” Me – “Yes, of course or I would be tossing in dumpster.” Girl – “OK, can you prove it?” Me – “Yes, the picture posted shows it on. I can plug it in again if you show up.” Girl – “Where are you?” (Gives her directions) “Oh that’s too far and I don’t know where that is.” Me – “Do you have GPS?” Girl – “I don’t know how to use it.” THE VERY NEXT DAY SAME CONVERSATION, WORD FOR WORD. Two days later, SAME CONVERSATION, WORD FOR WORD. Next day after, she calls, fourth time. Me – “Are you the girl that lives near Polaris and will ask me if it works.” Girl – “Yeah, how did you know?” Me – “BECAUSE THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME YOU HAVE CALLED ME THIS WEEK AND WE DO THIS DANCE UNTIL YOU TELL ME IT’S TOO FAR AWAY AND YOU AMAZINGLY DON’T KNOW GPS OR HOW TO TAKE AN EXIT 15 MILES EVEN THOUGH YOU’VE LIVED HERE YOUR WHOLE LIFE!” Girl – “You don’t have to be rude!” Me – “YOU’RE AN IDIOT. STOP CALLING ME FOR GOD’S SAKE AND ALL THAT IS HOLY.” (She hangs up on me) TWO DAYS LATER SHE CALLS AGAIN. (Quit selling things online for no joke 14 years after that).