Proof the internet is ruining society: the Avengers Endgame example

I try not to blog about movies until they’re out of Blu-Ray (see previous blog about spoiler people…OK, who am I kidding, you won’t read it.  Synopsis: they suck).  Avengers: Endgame was the biggest movie of all time by box office receipts and the culmination of over ten years and I believe nineteen other Marvel movies.  Pretty impressive accomplishment…until you read online comments.

This is 95% of all internet comments.

First problem the uber nerds had?  Time travel.  They consulted multiple scientists, but guys who work the graveyard shift at Speedway feel it necessary to go on and trash how time travel was portrayed.  Here’s a thought from another non-scientist – maybe find out from say, real time travel, how wrong they were before commenting BECAUSE IT DOESN’T EXIST YET OR PROBABLY EVER.  Arguing time travel is misrepresented for these losers is like them arguing about sex or what it would be like to not live in their parent’s basement – irrelevant as it won’t ever happen.

Second issue, aka the “Game of Thrones” argument.  “I would have done _____ differently.”  I saw a lot of that.  Not in a wistful way, but in a “I know everything” way.  Cool, then when does your movie come out?  OH THAT’S RIGHT YOU WILL NEVER PRODUCE, ACT IN OR DIRECT ONE.  SHUT YOUR HOLE.

Lastly, an extension of the previous one, the “Well, I liked until that ONE part.  That ONE part of a three hour movie ruined my day and life.”  I saw people trash the movie because of one issue, like when Captain America picked up Thor’s hammer it had lightning and that’s only for Thor since he’s the God of Thunder.  Never mind it’s actually in the comics, Randy from Mulberry Township has this everyone!   He’s the creator of…oh no, he isn’t.  Well, he’s a writer for…nope, actually not that either.  He’s a…um…guy with a laptop!  Oh man, time to listen!

The point is to go enjoy things for what they are or claw your eyes our and jam hot sticks into your ears so these traumatic events like fun movies don’t ruin your life.  I’ll choose to enjoy things as much as I can.