Game of Pretzels

My daughter shuffled over to my wife this weekend, when she was having a pretzel.  “I have pretzel?”  “Of course, here you go.”  She smiled as her mother gave her the only pretzel in her hand.  My daughter then shuffled over to me and handed it out.  “Dada have pretzel!”

“Dance, puppet, dance!”

This is all I saw at that moment as I laughed uncontrollably.  Then I remembered the time she poked me in the eye so hard I yelled out in pain and she began crying.  My wife came around the corner, “What did you do to her?” as water poured from my eye.  The game is strong in this one.  If only I can teach her zero morals, we have the makings of a fine Congresswoman, lawyer or the person who tells fast food employees to never give out drink carriers someday.