Well, the crisis of the day yesterday was Chief Wahoo, the red faced 1940’s throwback mascot/logo of Cleveland Indians was announced retired, sort of. This year, business as usual, but in 2019, heeeeeeeee’s OUT! (A little baseball joke, get it? I hate myself.)
“What do you think about it, Chris?” yells absolutely no one. Well, I’ll tell you. Absolutely nothing changes for the Indians. They still have the same team, same colors, same payroll, same stadium and a logo that some Native Americans felt was racist (and some white people who act like they’re full blooded Native Americans, oh boy are there a lot of those) is gone. Side note: If a white person glows in the dark and tells you they are Cherokee when their whole life and ancestry is from Ohio, they’re probably lying. Sorry Elizabeth Warren, I don’t really buy it. You sunburn when a lamp is turned on. In all seriousness, the logo was very 1940’s-ish exaggerated features and since the Indians are red also, very pronounced red. It should have phased out a while ago and no, the Indians weren’t named for Louis Sockalexis. He played three years for them and barely saw the field. I know, I heard the story also.
I do however draw the line at changing at the name. This is the part of PC culture I don’t get. No one goes to root for a team and mock the mascot at the same time. Well, except me. I’m a Steelers fan and this is their mascot.
Yep, just a big ol’ yellow guy walking around with steel beams, just like all steel workers. I remember when my dad used to come home from the mill and watch TV sitting on a pile of steel beams, relaxing after a hard day. Back to my original point though, I think it’s great we have teams that honor Native Americans by name. The US has named several battleships and aircraft after fierce warriors and there are plenty to choose from. Tecumseh and Pontiac united many tribes under a common cause, Crazy Horse was present at the three biggest victories over the US Army in the western battles, and countless others, from Kintpuash to Osceola to even the perseverance of Chief Joseph are stories of resistance known to most historians.
So in recap, less people are offended by something that was legitimately offensive to most (if you don’t believe, use the internets) and nothing changes with the team. If you think the name needs to go, you need to smoke a bowl or take some angry pills and use your brain instead your overreacting anger reflex. No matter what, though, we should all unite behind the Steelers getting rid of Steely McBeam, whatever your views on the Indians. That mascot sucks.