And so it begins: the Potty Chronicles

We started potty training a while back, then both kids got ear infections, so that set us back.  Potty training stinks.  Starting over is even worse.  We are doing pretty good on the tinkles but my kid like to slam the door for #2 and be alone.  While I appreciate this normally, it’s touch to train when you have a toddler screaming at you and pushing you out of the playroom at full strength while you’re trying to convince them to sit on the potty.

Of course, the other fun side effect is that my daughter is all access all the time.  I was taking a leak and she came in, hovered her face about a half inch from my stream and watched the result.  She looked back at me, “Dada’s pooping!”  “Um.  That’s not poop, peanut.”  “Dada’s pooping!  That’s Dada’s butt!”  I had to correct her, but I realized I hadn’t thought out what the accepted term was for Dada’s tallywacker.  I tried to think like a toddler, which is not as hard I thought normally, except for the penis factor.  “That’s Dada’s…wee wee.”  She laughed, “That’s Dada’s butt.”  My wife yelled from the other room, “Wee wee?  Just call it a penis.”  Well this is a blast and all, how about I finish the stream before we dive into this fully?  I’m an inch from peeing on my kid and have the focus of an amateur bomb technician on his first run.  Let’s figure out male anatomy slang maybe in a minute?