Well today is my daughter’s birthday – the big two. OK, two isn’t very big, but they call it the terrible twos, so you may not want to read my blog a year from today. Since my child was born, I have learned a lot, so I thought I would share.
- Whenever you have something figured out, it changes. My kid will eat something, then BOOM! Hates it. We can’t tear her out of the tub sometimes, then BOOM! You couldn’t put her in the bath if the Avengers were helping you.
- The stages to get to here. 1) FREAKING OUT HOLY CRAP I MADE A HUMAN AND I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING AND I’M REALLY TIRED. 2) I’m less tired and know a few things now, we can do this…OH HELL MY KID IS TEETHING THIS IS PURE CHAOS AGAIN. 3) Hey look, my kid is crawling…OH GOD SHE’S RUNNING EVERYWHERE AND EVERYTHING IS POTENTIAL BROKEN BONES AND HORROR. 4) She’s rather independent and repeats absolutely everything, so I can’t talk around my kid ever again.
- “I’m not going to be a parent that lets my kid…please stop crying. Please. Please God, OK I’ll give you seven chocolate bars and unlimited TV time.
- When your kids laughs, it’s the best time of your life. When they are sick, you can forget enjoying anything.
She is an enormous blessing to us and the apple of my eye. My daughter is the smartest, most active and athletic toddler I’ve ever seen and cuter than puppies playing with a baby. If you don’t agree, that’s fine, I’ll punch you in the face and tell you how dumb you are. Not in front of my kid, that would set a bad example. Happy birthday, peanut!