Normally I dislike about 14-17% of the people I run into in person or online, but it’s a presidential election year, so that number is about 71% currently, thanks to my Facebook feed. (I have a very expensive research team, don’t doubt my numbers). We all have different life experiences, backgrounds and political leanings. Don’t worry, though, Jerry from Pataskala has all the answers – just check out that meme he posted! Seriously, here’s the worst trends so far this political season.
White people who constantly post about how racist all white people are. This is a rather new phenomenon, but weird. It usually reads in my head like, “Well I disagree with this…wait a minute, this person is white. Who in the hell do you hang out with? Find some new friends.”
White people who post racist shit, thus backing up the previous annoying example and being general racist piles of garbage. I thought people with those opinions didn’t know how to write and read, but you learn something new everyday. Well some of us do.
People who read articles online, then act like they thought of it in a personal post. Your last three posts were about the last dump you took, getting high and quitting your fifth job this year because they “didn’t get you.” I really doubt you off the cuff just thought to use words like dichotomy, transmogrification and globalist in the same paragraph.
People that put up a link followed by “You have to watch this!” or “This changes everything!” No I don’t and no it won’t. Nice try though.
And the winner is…”If you don’t support my favorite candidate 100%, you’re a ______!” If you don’t like Hillary, you’re not a guaranteed wife beating, woman hating Neanderthal. In case no one remembers, Obama beat her in 2008 in the primary. Everyone that voted for him wasn’t a sexist. If you don’t support Trump, it doesn’t mean you burn the American flag and wipe your ass with the Bill of Rights. In case no one remembers, he’s changed positions on about every issue from federalism, abortion, eminent domain, foreign policy and yes, even immigration. Something to consider. No one on either side changes their mind being attacked with generalities. People can have opinions in a republic without the secret police beating down our doors. Hold on, someone just rang my doorbell…
Don’t worry everyone, only four and half more…wait, four and a half more months? Note to self: cancel internet access and go back to a flip phone. That’s probably easier at this point.