Phrases that need to go away forever

I was scrolling down my Facebook feed when I saw “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!”  I noticed that I had seen this post title at least four times in the last few days.  Hate to tell everyone – it didn’t change everything.  Or anything…except the likelihood I’ll click on any link that says “THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!”

Other ones I could do without – “Everyone needs to read this.”  No they don’t.  You think they do, but they don’t and they won’t.

I had someone say to me – “I’m feeling just ducky.”  You feel like shitting all over the sidewalk?  That’s bizarre.

“Cool beans.”  I still don’t know what that one means.  Yes, I can look it up online, but I have zero desire to learn what that means.

“You working hard or hardly working?”  I had a guy ask me that at work every day for four years.  I finally said, “Hardly working, I’m talking to a real jackass right now.”

This last one isn’t a phrase, but a personal request.  If you’re talking to me, you can say my name back to me.  Once.  If we are having a conversation and you say my name 20 times, I may kill you.  I don’t know what salesman book you read, but we’re not making a personal connection, you’re annoying the hell out of me.  “Chris, can I call you Chris?  Great Chris.  Have you thought about your credit card Chris?”  No, not at all.  “Well, Chris, the one thing I tell people Chris, is that it really is important Chris…”  (Muffled sound coming from intense chokehold…then silence)  That’s better.