We decided to go to the zoo this past weekend. We had a good time, even though thanks to good weather and Halloween, it couldn’t have been busier if they were giving away powerball tickets. There were tons of kids in costume, and way too many adults without kids dressed up at the zoo. I’m all for having costume party fun, but if you’re over 15 and you’re walking around at noon dressed like a clown or robot for no reason, you’re one bad week away from being an adult baby.
We saw the wolves running around. I like wolves…until I saw this!

These Mexican wolves are taking zoo jobs from hard working ‘Merican wolves! I had to move on quickly.
Next we saw a cougar very close to us. I prefer Mountain Lion, because it sounds tougher, but it was a really cool animal.

It wouldn’t cooperate with my photo skills, but not bad. The dots on the glass are for stupid birds that fly into glass. Birds are dumber than cougars that don’t pose for pictures.
Well, all birds except this kind.

I love bald eagles, they are so cool. There was also a rack of dead rats underneath it that was pretty cool. I like to think the rats were planning on undermining liberty, so my friend Sam kicked some rat ass. All Eagles are named Sam, George or Abraham. They didn’t have that on the sign, but it’s true. Damn zoo people don’t know anything about eagles.