And the award goes to…

Oh man, was I ever excited for the Oscars this year.  OH WAIT I DIDN’T WATCH ANY OF THE MOVIES ELIGIBLE.  Actually, I saw Mad Max, it was amazing – it had less dialogue than a black and white French film, but with lots of shooting, fighting, car chasing and ass kicking.  I’ll pick that for everything.

I actually hate awards shows.  Especially the Oscars.  Entitled, overpaid self important asshats telling everyone how important their issues are, because after all, they were in a movie and have an honorary degree from some university that wanted some press.  Here’s some examples of the horseshit.

1) Hollywood got called on its BS for pretty much making the Oscars all white every year.  I honestly have no idea if the best nominees were white, but they tried to slap a band-aid on it by finally bringing Chris Rock back into the fold.  Well, that wasn’t obvious pandering – nice sly move, Academy.

2) A lot of them are calling for gun control.  Never mind that they have armed guards protecting them and the average movie coming out of Hollywood would be twenty minutes shorter without guns.  It’s like the porn industry promoting abstinence.  Don’t worry, I’m sure climate change will be brought up by an actor who will then retreat to a private jet or mansion with a carbon footprint 25 times the size of the car you drive to work or your 2 bedroom apartment.  I really do loathe these people.

3) I tried watching Oscar winning movies when I had a Blockbuster pass back in the day.  I saw Harvey Keitel’s ass in the Piano.  I can’t unsee that and now Hollywood can kiss mine.