Lots of things make me sad. Like the other day, my wife ate half a piece of cake and threw away the extra frosting. I still shudder when I think of that unused icing, never fulfilling its purpose in life. It was almost as disheartening as the time someone threw a cigarette into my full beer at a party. I practically went to therapy over that one; I only had 10 beers left after that.
This weekend, I couldn’t get my login info to work, so I have yet to watch Game of Thrones. Please don’t ruin it for me, Facebook. You owe me after all those game requests and privacy leaks. As crushing a blow as that was, I turned my TV back on and Lip Sync Battle was on. I watched as LL Cool J actually interviewed the Rock about how he was going to win the fake sing off against Jimmy Fallon. Not only was it a fake singing show; they trash talked each other for most of the program. Yes, this is much better than watching knights murder each other for an hour. Plus, it looked like they spent about three minutes learning the songs, so it wasn’t even good. It was like watching the MTV music awards, but with slightly worse lip syncing.
In other words, my Monday will be spent blindfolded and with earplugs in until I get this resolved. I’ve already set fire to my phone, smashed my router and will not talk to strangers…which is my normal daily goal, but even more so.