Movie reviews

I was less than healthy this past weekend, so I crammed in a ton of movies.  Here’s some thoughts.

Terminator 2 – Man, I can really relate to this movie.  I worked in a steel mill for my summer job and I had to terminate robots 2-3 times a month.  It was ridiculous.  I was all, “How cause I half to kill dem robots?”  They was all, “You ain’t union, son!”  “Galdurn!”  My favorite moment, outside the machine guns and car chases though, was when they were at a gas station.  Sarah and John Connor was staring at these two kids with mullets shooting each other with toy guns.  “We’re not going to make it, are we?”, John asks the Terminator.  How perceptive, John.

The Cable Guy – Believe it or not, I’d never seen it.  It was entertaining, but surviving that fall at the end was more unbelievable than anything in the Terminator.

Unbroken – I enjoyed this new movie, but I knew exactly what was going to happen.  Don’t read bios before you watch bio films.  It’s a tough call, but I think I would take Japanese POW camp over being in a raft for over a month.  I hate the sea and I may be delusional, but I think I could take any land animal in a fight.  Sharks in the water?  No chance.  I would kick a shark’s ass in a barn or gym though.  The ocean stinks.  Plus you couldn’t wipe your ass with anything other than salt water.  I’d take the POW camp.