Just a guy buying douche…for his dog…who is male

My dog has the health of a leper rolled in anthrax and garbage.  He’s had hookworms, whipworms, a mast cell tumor, hip dysplasia, stitches, and currently takes nine pills every day.  Needless to say, if I can save a buck or two in vet bills, I jump on it.  WHERE’S THE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE FOR STRINGBEAN, OBAMA?

He has an ear infection so bad right now that his ears sound like ripe watermelons when you touch them.  I finally looked online and saw douche would help clean it up.  I went to the grocery store to search for something I’ve used in conversation 10,000 times, but in life never.

I was looking when a lady approached me.  “Can I help you?”  I realized the words that came out of my mouth were logjammed.  “Umm.  I need Massengill.  It’s for my dog.”  The lady stared at me.  I realized at that moment nothing could diminish the weirdness.  “We don’t carry that.”  I know lady, even if you did, I’m going somewhere else.