Pre-orders now available!!offerings/c1enr
My first book is now ready for pre-orders! “Stuff to Read While You Shit” (or S#!t, for the purposes of not having a naughty word on my cover) is ready to roll. I have to get some thanks out first of all. Thanks to Bill Arrundale, Dan Swartwout and Rick Tempesta for the great blurbs/reviews, Laura Sanders for the amazing cover art, my wife Hope for the help with editing and of course Paul Fuhr at And Then Something Happened for doing the heavy lifting and unfun stuff that goes with books. He came to me with the idea and after a lot of work was able to put together a nice presentation of my disorganized mess of writing. NOW I’M IN YOUR BATHROOM, AMERICA!
I basically was able to write this book one blog post at a time…well, the good ones. I was told I needed to get a website. My buddy Todd DeHays has helped me with everything from the fun of dealing with hackers to site updates and changes. Comedian Jake Iannarino told me one of the keys was to offer something of value to get traffic to your site. So I started blogging five days a week because I didn’t want to make videos left and right. I learned a lot early on – mostly, if you have nothing good or funny to blog about, just don’t do anything. Also, keep after it. There were a lot of times I wound up staring at a blank computer screen for over an hour before I got an idea to blather on about. So that’s how this book was written; one chapter at a time, one show at a time, one horrible interaction with the human race at a time. I’ll bet you 80% of the book was written after 10 pm the night before I released the attempts at humor or profundity to the internet.
Of course, I have a couple go to hells also. The Ohio proficiency test writing portion said in 1996 I wasn’t a good enough writer to pass the test until my third try (looking at my title, maybe they were right) and of course to Ms. Bowen, my “gifted” class teacher in Indiana that once gave me an award for being “Least Elaborate”. You can least elaborate my ass! I wroted a reading story! How’s that for original? (It wasn’t very original, but least elaborate my ass anyway).
Oh, and for checking out my blog, enter “Freedom” for the special code to get 10% off on signed copies until this Sunday! I hope you enjoy it, but if you don’t, I’ll still sleep OK. Give me your money.