The fun of new TV channels

I don’t watch a lot of TV…for an American.  Compared to the rest of the world, I’m a useless sack of dump, but not a ton.  I usually can be found watching the History Channel, sports, or whatever my lady likes.  In other words, something about World War II/Hitler, football, or a dancing/singing show.  Luckily, no crossover.

I walked in the other day and for no reason in particular, CMT was on.  I caught Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge.  It was basically Stone Cold yelling at manish ladies to go faster climbing ropes and hurdling stuff.  It was like wrestling meets a drag show.  Not bad, but I’ll pass.  Then Dog and Beth came on.  A few thoughts – I didn’t know they were still alive.  Dog needs to button his shirt…and if you have a two foot long mullet, please stop shaving your chest.  Beth’s boobs look like an airbag blew up inside her shirt.  Why do they carry guns that don’t shoot?  Can they stop showing evidence like they’re prosecutors?  This show sucks.

In summation, I don’t really like new channels, but since I’m an American with ingrained ADD, it worked for the time being.  Next I think I’ll flip from Bravo to QVC, then wrap up with Sports Time Ohio, where I can see fashion, shopping and Cleveland sports highlights.  That will totally kill my desire to watch new programs and cure me of this disease.