The Cirque du Soleil

I am not an artsy person.  I may be creative, but all my energy in that department is flooded by intense, bitter sarcasm…thus the choice to be a comedian.  Or try to be a comedian.  See the sponsors and ads on the blog?  No?  Exactly.  Still trying.

I did however see one amazing and creative show the other night, the Cirque du Soleil.  I thought all circuses were based on the hopes the elephant didn’t get pissed and stampede the crowd or clowns being clowns, but this one was insane.  There were people swinging off the ceiling, ladies on 10 foot unicycles, acrobats doing triple flips and landing 4 inch moving planks.  Of course, I didn’t understand any of it, because it was too weird and artistic and French.  I felt like a standard ADD American, staring at the performers trying to figure out what in the hell was going on, then I would see a juggler backflip and clap like a seal.  Yay, tricks!  I am an idiot.