People that annoy me, May 2013

– Kanye West.  While normally unbearable and somehow credited as a human worth paying attention to, he upped his annoyance factor by knocking up Kim Kardashian, ensuring that dullard is in the news even more than the usual 21 hours a day.

– The gas pump line cutter.  I was right there and you pulled in, then acted like you didn’t see me.  I would key your car, but you’re driving an Oldsmobile with two different colored doors.

– Anyone who speaks to me when they can clearly see I am wearing earbuds.  Why don’t we continue this enthralling conversation I can’t hear somewhere else I could never hear you, like an airport runway or in the middle of a gunfight?  And no, I’m not using that piece of workout equipment just because I’m within nine feet of it.

– Person who comes to a comedy show, sits in the front row, then is too cool to laugh.  Did you really just pay for a ticket so you could play on your phone in the dark?  You stink.  I know it wasn’t my act.  OK, it probably was my act, but you could at least put the phone away.