Happy Memorial Day, you dirty dirty hippie

One of most solemn holidays in America is Memorial Day, where we remember our fallen soldiers.  It traditionally hails the beginning of summer, so we kind of weirdly look forward to such a sobering time.  I think most of us are more than grateful to our troops for their sacrifices.  Even scumbags who don’t care about others’ sacrifices are happy they get an extra day off.  Except probably this guy I saw…

I was walking the other day, yes to get more beer, in case you wondering.  Mind your own business!  (Sorry, us alkies get defensive)  I saw a bumper sticker on a car.  Of course, there were six of them, because assholes with bumper stickers don’t just like to annoy you with one statement, they enjoy telling you everything they think.  Yuck.  This guy had one that said, “Join the Army!  Travel to exotic, distant lands.  Meet exciting, unusual people and kill them.”  This of course from Full Metal Jacket, a great movie.

My hatred of people who insult, disrespect or disparage our troops is deep and intense.  Yet, I also realize one of the great things about our country is that even douchebags are afforded the protections given by those said douches show contempt for.  So in the spirit of the first amendment, I just nodded to myself and realized the interesting irony of this.  I then made the mature decision to let it slide…this time.  Next time I am flicking a booger or hocking a loog on his car.  USA!  USA!  USA!