Drinking games – men vs. women

I, through multiple high school parties with no women, plus a long run of fraternity down time, with a healthy dose of dice, cards and drinking, may know more drinking games than anyone on earth.  Other than speed quarters – I am missing the gene that enables a person to put a quarter into a shot glass – I am sadly pretty good at them too.  On of my favorites is a knock off Jenga game called Jumbling Towers.  It was $20 cheaper, but you may get a few splinters…the Bangladeshi sweat shop were it was made did not file it down.

What makes the game tee hee fun is that each piece has a hand written drinking game rule.  It has fun ones like “Finish Beer”, “Say I am a child molester” and “Insult everyone at the table”.  That last one is my personal favorite.  It’s fun, but also degrading!  Then my girlfriend took it to a girl’s retreat and they added to it…

I got the game back and it now says something on the other side of the pieces.  Examples – “You must motivate everyone as they pull their pieces!”, “Kiss the person to your left” (that one will go great with the boys), “Shimmy!” (I don’t know how to shimmy), and “Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny elephant?”  That last one sounds more like a pot smoking game question than a drinking game question.  Well great, now my cool game is all nice and friendly…to your face, then it talks shit behind your back about what a bitch you are and tries to steal your boyfriend.

In fairness, they also added “Give a banana a BJ” and “Select one article of clothing off someone.”  Maybe this new version isn’t so bad.  Oh wait, I just remembered it’s mostly guys playing my Jumbling Towers.  Yep, it’s ruined.