Comedy variations

Tonight I’m doing a show called “15 and Killin’ It” in town.  It’s a great idea – every comic that performs on the show gets 15 minutes, then the jokes are logged and can never be done again (at that show).  Kudos to Justin Golak, Laura Sanders and Sumukh Torgalkar for putting it on.  The “killin’ it” part is the curveball for me, not the time.  I have a lot of jokes, just not that many that kill it.

I have done some weird shows – comedy and burlesque, wedding anniversaries, high school reunions, and once even a show where I was in a field 50 yards from anyone after a band of 15 year old boys just rocked the 20 family members that came to see them.  That said, my favorite show of the year is the Halloween show at Surly Girl Saloon.  Basically, comics dress up like other comics and mock them, or do one time acts based on movie characters which are usually great.  With this theme in mind, I have decided to pull the trigger on a show idea I had (to be done with other comics) called “Mother Goose is drunk.”  My friends in high school called me Mother Goose for my ability to remember and tell stories…and never shut up.  I thought it would be cool to do a show rotating comedians, sharing stories from the stage (and off).  Details soon!