Am I the only one that sees this?

I went to my niece’s cheer competition this weekend.  This should prove I am a good uncle, because excitement, enthusiasm, human interaction, and positivity are not exactly things that hover around my dark and dour demeanor.  Imagine walking into a gym with about 250 (mostly) girls screaming and fist pumping while the endless beat of Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Britney Spears blare a nearly deafening volume, then keep that going for about five hours.

Right off the bat, I had a serious problem with one thing – most of the girls were good to go, excited, and family friendly, despite waaayyy too much makeup.  Then a girl of about 12 did a solo routine.  She was wearing a black cheer outfit and started flipping about the mat…with bright red sequined panties.  I immediately looked away so violently, my girlfriend started laughing.  Is this not bothering anyone else?  Apparently not!  I scanned the room and nary a soul was protesting this blatant over-sexualization of a preteen.  It’s OK, apparently, because mom and dad approve!  You know, I would really love it if my kid started smoking at ten.  After all, smoking is cool!  So are tattoos – hey junior, childhood is a great time, but let’s face it, it fades.  What better way to carry youth forever than a Transformers tattoo before your first boner?  Sounds good!  People think I would be a bad parent?