All in a name

I did a show last week at the Rehab Tavern in Columbus.  I at first thought it was a bar where everyone that went to after they quit drinking, but I realized it was because it was remodeled.  I am kind of stupid.  What kind of bar caters to people that quit drinking?

The bar was actually really nice and they had an Elvira pinball machine that I would love to have.  Not so much for Elvira, I just like the late 70’s pinball machines.  I was onstage closing, so I was prepared to do about 45 minutes.  Fourth joke in, the mike cut out.  You may think I know about mikes and speakers and such, since I have been doing comedy for several years, but you would be wrong.  So I just did the rest without a mike.  It worked pretty well, thanks to the low ceiling and very cool (and quiet) crowd, but my throat still hurts.  After the show, the bartender flipped one switch and it worked instantly.  Remind me to learn something about sound equipment someday.