The weekend trip

Comedy sucks in the summer, but I actually got to take a day off work and travel with my lady to a rustic cottage in the rolling hills of southeastern Ohio.  I liked the place before we got there, because it was called the Freedom cottage, and who doesn’t like freedom?  Plus there were eagles everywhere, like this one –

Bald eagles = freedom

The bad news was that we had “country” water.  I hadn’t run into this since Grandma’s house back in the 80’s.  It had that lovely rust smell and taste.  I filled up the dog’s water and an hour later, it appeared as though someone peed in the bowl.  I went to shower and that vile metallic stench was on my body for five minutes afterwards.  Country getaway: Not being bothered, good!  Unfiltered carcinogen water, bad!

Oh well, the place is clean and we have a nice view – no other houses in immediate sight.  My chica soon would discover yet another quirk of my OCD…my intense and deep loathing of bugs.  While the door was open for approximately 11 seconds, three flies found their way in.  I go into lockdown mode when I find a fly.  Why?  They eat shit.  They literally land on rotting food and poop, then head right for your pasta salad.  No thanks.  Plus in the sticks, these devils buzz your ears and occasionally bite.  I ran around the house for 15 minutes until I killed every last one.  I felt great…until she found a tick in the bathroom.  Now I may have an aneurysm.  Give me another beer, I have work to do…