Taking your job a bit too far

I gave blood yesterday – why?  Because someone deserves my rich and healthy superblood.  How could I hold this back from the world?  Now you see.  I wrote a joke about the questions you get asked there (several years back), but they have really outdone themselves now.

I sat down, wearing my normal clothes, with my full beard rocking and she asked me: “Are you still a male?”  I just kind of stared at her for a few seconds.  First off, if I say yes and you don’t believe me, are you going to snag a handful of crotch to double check?  And don’t even act like you don’t see my bulge!  Second, I gave blood a couple months ago.  I decided, apparently, to get rid of the ol’ package, but refuse hormone therapy and keep the facial hair.  All the cool guys at my school are lopping off their ding-dongs…I wish I could be cool too!  What’s that?  Sex change?  No, silly – of course we want to look the same, with our masculine features, just without all that junk in the way.  What kind of dumb question is that?  Seriously, do you want the blood or not?  Ridiculous.