On the road again – Harrisburg, PA

Off to the next one…  I loaded up my shit and dropped my dog at Mom’s house, then faced a lovely six hour drive through the great state of Pennsylvania, the Montana of the east.  I had to hit the turnpike, which cost me about $15 in tolls one way.  Nothing like paying to drive on a pothole filled highway.  Thanks, PA, your roads and beer laws suck.  What kind of state doesn’t sell beer at gas stations?  What is this, 1887?

I got to the motel and surprise!!! they had no room for me.  Luckily, the dude working knew the club owner and hooked me up.  I drove a while and since the sun now goes down at around 4 pm, I was ready to snap, especially since I called yesterday and they told me it was all good.  How dare I demand a room?  What a diva I am.

The club was cool and the crowd was big, so my rage was sated.  I had about five people tell me that I was funny.  Nice.  Then I went to take a leak and two gentlemen (cough) were at the stalls.  I walked into the stall and overhead this nugget – “That first guy was whack!”  “Yeah, he’s supposed to be average so the headliner is funny.”  I almost said something, but held back.  I really showed them later when I sold one DVD after the show and got a free shot of Beam.  (That’s sarcasm!)  Night one in the books, yay comedy time.