Last Road Trip of 2012: Nice room = horrible show

After a restful Friday night (it was under 20 degrees, I didn’t leave the room), I had a double show Saturday night.  I went out and got some seafood (the headliner got lobster that looked delicious, my fish was apparently dropped on my plate from a passing seagull).  We walked in and the manager was the nicest person I have ever met ever.  He handed us menus, showed us the sound system, offered us a tour of the facilities, and so on.  Nice – this is going to be a good night.  Then the show started.

I did about a 60% good set, which is horrible.  The small crowd just wasn’t feeling it.  I felt a little better when it went about the same for the headliner.  This may have been a sign, but right before show two, the manager said “You can go short if you want to.”  Thanks…wait a minute…that sounds like, oh well.  I’ll kick ass, don’t worry about me!  I proceeded to experience a show about as pleasurable as smearing pheromones on myself and jumping into the gorilla house at the zoo.  I don’t know if smearing is how one applies pheromones, but you get the point.

A (shockingly) sober middle aged Wisconsin douche kept replying to everything I said.  “You guys drinking tonight?”  “Yeah, a little bit.”  “Thanks sir, you know you don’t actually have to answer every question with a complete sentence.”  “Oh, OK, well you asked!”  At one point, I may have made an allusion to hurting people after the show, but I don’t think they got it.  Another lady let her phone ring – all the way to voice mail.  “That sure is a long ring tone!”  She said merely said, “Yes, it’s pretty long.”  Me: “That wasn’t an observation, it was sarcasm…think you could silence your phone next time?”  Once the headliner was done, he yelled, “Thank you, you’ve been a car payment!”  I thought that was funny.  It was so bad, I didn’t even try to sell shit after the show.  Whatever fragment of pride I had left was apparently very strong.  Or shame, actually, it’s probably shame.  I can’t tell the difference anymore.