Election Day

Ah, it’s finally here.  The day we, as a country select our next leader, who we will besmirch, lambaste, and decry for at least four years.  Sadly, probably with good reason.  George Washington set a fine precedent for our country by rejecting political parties, ending his presidency after two terms, and returning the power of office effortlessly.  Then Adams and Jefferson middle fingered that and tore each other to shreds.  My favorite was when the Jefferson camp called Adams a hermaphrodite.  The good old days.

My favorite part of electing these wonderful piles of shit we call politicians is that our founders at least made it harder than hell for these idiots to get much done.  If you think our government should be able to pass laws and rules faster, imagine the other party in full control.  Exactly.  That’s why.  Either way, I have begun preparing for the Commie invasion by watching Red Dawn and stocking up on canned goods (they had a sale at Kroger).  So while you’re wondering about the future of our great country, I’ll be dreaming of pistol whipping a pinko to the smooth listening sounds of Lee Greenwood.