Cold weather = the same conversation on repeat for a week

In case I see you in person, let’s get this out of the way now.  “Sure got cold out quick!”  “Yep, if you don’t like the weather around here, wait five minutes!”  “Boy, people sure forgot how to drive in the snow!”  “I hear that!”  “I can’t believe we got snow!”  “At least we’re not ______.”  “I hear that!”  “I had to get out my winter coat early this year!”  “Me too, that wind sure is cold!”

Now that we had this conversation already via my blog, please keep this dialogue to your damn self now.  Give me a nice, “This weather sucks my ass!” and we’re good.  While I’m at it, none of these either – “You workin’ hard, or hardly workin’!” or my old pervert favorite, “If I was ten years younger, I’d be hitting that!”  One, hardly workin’, cause I’m talking to an idiot.  Two, no you wouldn’t.  She’s hot, your gut has been hanging over your dick since 1987.  And you have unpopped blackheads on your nose, I can see them from here and I wear contacts.  That felt good, we should talk more often…via my blog.