Cleaning my place aka holy hell why did I keep this crap?

I got a new bed recently and dumped the old one.  My dog hates it because he can’t jump on it, which means I love not scraping dog hair off myself all night.  Sorry, Bean, I win this round.

In cleaning and moving some stuff around during this process, I found my old HVAC training books from when I sold heating/air conditioning units.  Ah, yes, the memories of getting let go five months after starting.  My knowledge of heating now is limited to “I hope my neighbors turn up their heat so I don’t have to!”

I also found a collage my Mom put together for my college graduation.  I used to wear a hat I think even when I slept.  Then I realized I have stunningly thick, wavy hair.  It is a terrible burden, having this beautiful bounty of hair.  Good bye hats.  Hello follicle transplant surgery in approximately three to six years if Rogaine doesn’t work.