A real peach, part four

At this point, my Georgia trip was the worst from a Buckeye since Sherman paid a visit, so I didn’t really give two shits about the show, but damnit, I am a comedian.  I don’t know what that means…  I got on and laid it out there for 30 minutes.  It went, surprisingly, very well.  The headliner also did a fine job and all were pleased.  Then something strange happened.  There was one more treat for everyone.

Post-show, it turned to music and the star of the night was Andy D.  I looked into the crowd earlier and there was an overweight gentleman with a stache, mullet and sleeveless jean jacket.  He also donned a white fanny pack, jams, and high tops.  Of course, he was shirtless under the jean jacket/vest.  He then threw it down.  I can’t do it justice, so here’s his video.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hukwN47gvA  Now that song will never, ever, leave your head.  Ever.

The headliner and I set up shop to sell some shirts.  After the second show started, we looked at each other with that “fuck it” look and we packed up two minutes later.  Well, that was the show.  Oh, and in case you didn’t get enough, here’s another.  This SOB is catchy, I’ll give him that.  Kind of like VD.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW7L8fPAyqo&feature=relmfu