The witchery that is technology

I am not tech saavy.  That said, I loathe tech morons.  We’ve all worked with someone very recently that couldn’t use a fax machine.  I had a job where this knuckle dragger asked me how it worked.  “Put the paper in, then dial the number like a phone.”  His response?  “Do I have to dial the parenthesis?”  I offered to transfer someone to a voice mail since they were in another state.  He asked if I would instead pass on a message.  I told him that was what this magical new invention called voice mail was specifically built for!  Sarcasm is lost on the stupid.  My favorite was a customer that complained about being billed for fuel when I worked at a truck rental facility.  She went 300 miles and put five gallons back into the 24’long 25500 lb. diesel moving truck.  She wanted a refund and I said I was calling her a liar.  I did no such thing.  I called her a dipshit.