Stupid comparisons

It drives me absolutely nuts when people make dumb comparisons.  Anyone for a little “Baby Jordan”/Harold Miner?  No disrespect to Miner, but his career started this idiotic rash of toupeed NBA commentators desperately looking for another Michael.  It never ended.  Just because he shaves his head and won a dunk contest, not exactly Jordan.  Hell, not even the next Mitch Richmond (underrated and yes, a blatant mention of the greatness that is Mitch – see NBA Live ’97).

To change gears, I heard some jackass reporter saying a cold front hitting NYC was the Occupy Wall Street’s “Valley Forge.”  Sigh.  I have largely tried to ignore OWS, but this pissed me off.  I just finished Almost a Miracle by John Ferling, about the Revolutionary War.  Thousands of soldiers, without shoes in the snow, losing limbs to frostbite over months apparently equals college kids with namebrand sneakers having to sleep in a tent for a few nights…oh wait, most go home for the night.  The homeless have it worse and this intrepid douchebag makes no mention of their plight.  Yes, Valley Forge, ravaged by starvation = having only one vegan burrito for brunch.  Typhus and mutiny or misplacing your earbuds and running out of TP in the restaurant across from Zuccotti Park?  To this reporter, the same thing!  These are the times that try men’s souls.