Small things about comedy you learn the hard way

I went to a show last night in Massillon and they somehow found my first picture to use for the flyer.  It’s a ridiculous picture of me smoking a cigarette wearing a shirt that says “I shaved my balls for this?”  I am such a mega douche it chills my soul.  Rule #1 of comedy – don’t wear a funny t-shirt onstage.  Rule #2 – Don’t wear a funny t-shirt in your headshot.  I drank with my buddy Anthony O’Connell one night and we watched clips from our first paid shows and it was so embarrassing I deleted the clips from my computer.  I drank six beers in a 20 minute set and was so nervous my hands were shaking.  I literally have only one joke from that set I still do.  I did have a funny exchange about a spankerchief and this 14 year kid sitting with his mom covered his face in shame.  Unfortunately, the joke sucked.  Ah bombing, the staple of a new comic’s diet.