After the alumni game, my lower back was so stiff, I couldn’t take off my cleats w/out sitting down. Here’s my arm –

My arm was lumpy and red from field turf scratches. So I did the smartest thing I could. I went to Eaglesticks bar and drank 20 beers. When I woke up, I was in a hell of a state. My girlfriend, a physical trainer, had to “release” my back and hips b/c I couldn’t function. If you’ve never been “released” (no happy ending jokes, please), it’s like Spanish boots or being put in an Iron Maiden. I realized therapy is like a tube of toothpaste. The hurty part gets fixed, but the pain just leaked into my neck and shoulders. I am fine now, so her snake oil worked. Perhaps drinking on top of dehydration is not the best course of action…
I realized that I need to pull rosters and find a backup center if this alumni game goes down again next year. If not, I have to put razor blades in my wristbands and hope for the best. Sportsmanship is for those who are athletes.