Lil’ Jimmy Norton

I haven’t paid to see a show in three years other than contests supporting my buddies.  That changes when I go to see one of my favorite comics tonight, Jim Norton.  He is vile and witty and will talk about literally anything.  I got satellite radio just b/c I love Opie and Anthony and he is a cog of that fantastic mess.  Tonight, I get to go and see how little I have accomplished, feel horrible about where I am in comedy, and laugh at inappropriate humor.  I just hope he doesn’t recall the email I sent him after way too many beers begging him to let me open for him in Pittsburgh.  No good emails or texts or voice mails come after midnight.  They’re either regarding death, a fire(usually with bonus death), unwanted sexual advances (worse than death), or for me – begging someone way above you to mericfully toss you dog bones/comedy gigs as they begin to file a restraining order against you just in case.