How to decorate for the holidays!

Don’t.  At least I don’t.  This is definitely a man/woman thing down the line.  I absolutely couldn’t care less.  However, my Mom gives me things, my sister added on, and my girlfriend even was on me about it.  She spent two entire days putting up decorations.  That sounds awesome, let me waste two days putting stuff up, then take two days to tear it down.  Four days to make my place look like an elf vomited a yard sale in my living room.

I don’t have anything against Christmas, I just know I have about two people that come over a month tops and my dog hates when I put stuff up.  The average visitors to my palace o’ solitude are either 1) dating me or 2) coming over to hammer beers until vision is hampered.  So, if my beer can has a wreath on it, there’s your holiday spirit.  If not, forget it.  FYI – Busch Light has either mountains or orange camo.  Ho Ho Ho.